Our New Zealand web site is promoting the benefits and enjoyment of cooking with wood!  We have the products to promote healthy choices.
Our contact for e mail send to info@smokinlicious.com; phone 1-800941-5054; fax 1-716-372-0439.
The logo for SmokinLicious® Gourmet Wood Products.  Manufacturers of the finest, pristine, bark free and Kosher certified cooking wood products
Doctor Smoke® is the official mascot for SmokinLicious® Join him and the Culinary crew in exploring the culinary aspects of cooking with wood!

 Smoke Line Number: 11-800-941-5054

Fax Number: 11-716-372-0439




Email: Info@smokinLicious.nz Attn: Dr Smoke

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The globe is a backdrop to all the web sites for SmokinLicious® We are constantly developing our global network to share our great cooking wood!
The map points to Olean New York as the location of our facilities.The surrounding Allegany forests are the source for the 8 species of hardwood
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Superior Product… Superior Outcome!  All wood-fired products for smoking, barbecue, coal cooking, ember fired, cold smoking, and stove top smoking. Only Forest Fresh wood used in all our products.

  Follow the Aroma of Dr. Smoke:

Dr. Smoke's wonderful wood aroma from the Grill


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"Follow us to explore how to smoke, grill, or ember cook everything from Soup to Nuts and items in between!"