Our New Zealand web site is promoting the benefits and enjoyment of cooking with wood!  We have the products to promote healthy choices.
SmokinLicious® is happy to assist anyone who has in interest in wood fired smoking, grilling and ember cooking!  We have programs for everyone!

At SmokinLicious® Wood Products, our philosophy includes a belief that our culinary wood products are the best hardwood products available on the market today. That's why we insist on ensuring that each individual user feel completely comfortable and knowledgeable about our woods. Our Culinary Team meets this goal by offering a variety of services:


For the Food Industry:


       Commercial-grade smoking equipment is an investment that requires in-depth planning to ensure that ease of   operation is met while producing exceptional quality smoked food items. Our Culinary Team can offer:

  • hands-on training to your team to ensure total comfort with our wood products (or we can be there virtually!)
  • assistance in developing successful "wood recipes" - we can customize products with our blending process
  • assistance with in store displays of our wood product line



 For the Retail Market:


SmokinLicious® Wood Products offers the retail market a variety of options to assist in the successful sale of our culinary wood product line. Our SmokinLicious® Wood Guides can work with you by providing the following services:


  •    assistance with product display in your retail showroom
  •     display materials that provide explanations on:

              > Why hardwoods are a better choice,

              > Product application with various grilling/smoking equipment,

              > Food compatibility charts that match the correct hardwood with a specific food


 For the Restaurateur:


        The Culinary Team at SmokinLicious® Wood Products work directly with your Chef(s) and Culinary Staff in:


  •         selecting a signature dish that highlights a smoked food item
  •        developing a full menu offering of smoked foods, from egg-based dishes to desserts!
  •         developing "wood recipes" that result in unique tasting qualities for specific foods (it's your unique wood blend!)





For the Backyard BBQ Enthusiast:


Always there to assist anyone with a cooking question, SmokinLicious® Wood Products prides itself on giving immediate answers to questions and inquires. We make the following available:


  •     a toll-free number 1-800-941-5054



Smokinlicious® is committed only to the production of culinary quality smoker wood products! We produce NOTHING else! Only the best for you!
All Bark and the contaminents they harbor, are eliminated from the heartwood logs, before then enter our processing facility!  We are Bark Free!


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Superior Product… Superior Outcome!  All wood-fired products for smoking, barbecue, coal cooking, ember fired, cold smoking, and stove top smoking. Only Forest Fresh wood used in all our products.

  Follow the Aroma of Dr. Smoke:

Dr. Smoke's wonderful wood aroma from the Grill


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"Follow us to explore how to smoke, grill, or ember cook everything from Soup to Nuts and items in between!"