Our New Zealand web site is promoting the benefits and enjoyment of cooking with wood!  We have the products to promote healthy choices.
Our products page has smoker wood chunk products, smoker wood chips, Flavored enhanced products, Smokin’ Dust®, logs along with Micro Wood chips
All SmokinLicious® cooking and smoking wood products, are produced from select North American hardwoods, grown in New York and Pennslyvania
Smokinlicious is a Forest Fresh cooking wood manufacturer!  We select from Local Mills heartwood from recent cuttings in 8 species we produce
All Bark and the contaminents they harbor, are eliminated from the heartwood logs, before then enter our processing facility!  We are Bark Free!
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Superior Product… Superior Outcome!  All wood-fired products for smoking, barbecue, coal cooking, ember fired, cold smoking, and stove top smoking. Only Forest Fresh wood used in all our products.

  Follow the Aroma of Dr. Smoke:

Dr. Smoke's wonderful wood aroma from the Grill


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"Follow us to explore how to smoke, grill, or ember cook everything from Soup to Nuts and items in between!"